Thursday, June 23, 2011


  1. Buka terminal dan masuk sebagai root atau super user dengan cara ketik su pada terminal dan masukkan password super user atau root.
  2. Masukkan DVD Debian 5 kemudian tentukan resource penginstalan dengan perintah : apt-cdrom add.
  3. Install paket bind9 dengan mengetikkan perintah : apt-get install bind9, seperti gambar 1.
  4. Gambar 1
  5. Backup file named.conf pada direktori /etc/bind/ menjadi file named.conf.bak pada direktori yang sama dengan perintah : cp /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/bind/named.conf.bak.
  6. Salin file db.local untuk konfigurasi foward nama domain kita dan db.127 untuk konfigurasi reverse nama domain kita yang berada pada direktori /etc/bind/ dengan perintah :
    cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/db.anas dan
    cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/db.anasreverse
    .Disini penulis menggunakan nama domain .
  7. Kemudian konfigurasi file db.anas dengan perintah : nano /etc/bind/db.anas Pada kotak dialog ini tambahkan subdomain untuk nama domain yaitu www, mail dan 8 seperti gambar 2, untuk keluar dari editor nano tekan ctrl+x kemudian tekan y untuk keluar dan simpan perubahan atau n untuk keluar tanpa menyimpan kemudian tekan enter.
    Gambar 2
  8. Kemudian konfigurasi file db.anasreverse dengan perintah : nano /etc/bind/db.anasreverse seperti gambar3.
    Gambar 3
  9.  Konfigurasi file named.conf dengan perintah : nano /etc/bind/named.conf, tambahkan perintah seperti gambar 4.
    Gambar 4
  10. Konfigurasi file resolv.conf pada direktori /etc/ dengan perintah : nano /etc/resolv.conf 
    setting domain sesuai dengan nama domain kita, search sesuai nama domain kita dan nameserver sesuai dengan IP yang kita gunakan sebagai IP server seperti gambar 5.
    Gambar 5
  11. Kemudian restart bind9 agar bisa membaca file yang baru saja kita konfigurasi tadi dengan perintah : /etc/init.d/bind9 restart.
  12. Kemudian kita cek keberhasilan konfigurasi DNS server yang baru kita buat dengan perintah : dig seperti gambar 6.
    Gambar 6
  13. Kemudian cek konektivitas terhadap DNS yang baru saja kita buat dengan mengetikkan perintah pada terminal : ping seperti gambar 7.
    Gambar 7
    Cek juga konektivitas terhadap subdomain yang telah kita buat tadi yaitu: www, mail dan 8.
    ping seperti gambar 8.
    Gambar 8
    ping seperti gambar 9.
    Gambar 9
    ping seperti gambar 10.
    Gambar 10
    Alhamdulillah, sekarang kita telah sukses mengkonfigurasi DNS Server.


Untuk proses penggunaan Web Server penulis menggunakan Apache Web Server. Apache adalah Web Server yang dapat dijalankan di banyak Operating System (UNIX, Linux, Windows) yang berguna untuk melayani dan memfungsikan situs web. Protokol yang digunakan untuk melayani fasilitas ini adalah HTTP.
Langkah - langkah konfigurasi Web Server :
  1. Buka terminal dan masuk sebagai root atau super user dengan cara ketik su pada terminal dan masukkan password super user atau root.
  2. Masukkan DVD Debian 5 kemudian tentukan resource penginstalan dengan perintah : apt-cdrom add.
  3. Install paket apache2 dengan mengetikkan perintah : apt-get install apache2, seperti gambar 1.
    Gambar 1

  4. Kemudian tekan "Y" dan tekan enter untuk meneruskan instalasi Apache2 seperti gambar 2.
    Gambar 2

  5. Apache2 telah berhasil kita install untuk mengujinya kita dapat membuka Web Browser dan ketikkan localhost atau nama domain yang telah kita buat pada address bar browser. Apabila instalasi Apache2 berhasil maka akan terlihat hasilnya seperti gambar 3.
    Gambar 3

  6. Untuk mendukung web page yang berekstensi PHP dan kernel agar dapat membaca maupun compile file yang nantinya akan berekstensi PHP maka kita harus menginstall paket php5. Install php5 dengan perintah : apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi seperti gambar 4.
    Gambar 4

  7. Setelah selesai proses instalasi php5, restart apache2 dengan perintah : /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.
  8. Buat halaman index pada DocumentRoot yang berada pada direktori /var/www/ dengan perintah : nano /var/www/index.php, kemudian masukkan kode php pada kotak dialog seperti gambar 5.
    Disini penulis ingin menampilkan halaman phpinfo() pada domain
    Gambar 5

  9. Cek pada browser apakah nama domain yang kita buat tadi sudah dapat menampilkan halaman phpinfo() yang telah kita buat pada file index.php seperti gambar 6.
    Gambar 6

  10. Untuk membuat VirtualHost yang harus kita lakukan adalah membuat direktori dimana nantinya akan ditempatkan file - file yang dibuat untuk membuat tampilan suatu halaman subdomain yang berbeda dari halaman domain kita.
    Misal kita ingin membuat direktori 8 pada direktori /home/alan/ perintah yang digunakan : mkdir /home/alan/8.
  11. Buat file php di dalam direktori tersebut misal index.php dengan perintah : nano /home/alan/delapan/index.php
  12. Tambahkan konfigurasi VirtualHost pada file default yang berada pada direktori /etc/apache2/sites-available/ dengan perintah : nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. Tambahkan kode berikut pada akhir dokumen seperti gambar 7 :

    DocumentRoot /home/alan/delapan
    Gambar 7

  13. Kemudian kita restart apache2 dengan perintah : /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.
  14. Setelah itu kita cek pada browser halaman subdomain kita apakah sudah sesuai dengan yang kita konfigurasi pada VirtualHost yang baru kita tambahkan seperti gambar 8.
    Disini penulis menggunakan subdomain
    Gambar 8
    Alhamdulillah, sekarang kita telah sukses mengkonfigurasi Web Server dan VirtualHost.


Pertama kali yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengkonfigurasi IP adalah :
Buka terminal dan masuk sebagai root atau super user dengan cara ketik su pada terminal dan masukkan password super user atau root.
Kemudian edit file interfaces yang berada di direktori /etc/network/.
Apabila kita menggunakan editor nano ketikkan pada terminal : nano /etc/network/interfaces, seperti gambar 1.
Gambar 1

Setelah itu akan muncul kotak dialog dan ketikkan konfigurasi IP pada kotak dialog tersebut, tambahkan teks untuk pengalamatan IP pada interface eth0 seperti gambar 2.
Disini penulis menggunakan IP dan Netmask
Gambar 2

Untuk keluar dari editor nano tekan ctrl+x kemudian tekan y untuk keluar dan simpan perubahan atau n untuk keluar tanpa menyimpan perubahan kemudian tekan enter.
Setelah itu restart network dengan mengetik : /etc/init.d/networking restart.
Lihat hasilnya dengan perintah ifconfig seperti pada gambar 3.
Gambar 3
Pada gambar diatas interface eth0 dengan alamat IP dan Netmask telah terassign.
Alhamdulillah, sekarang kita telah sukses mengkonfigurasi IP pada Linux Debian 5.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CISCO IT Essential v4.1 Final Exam 11-16

A network administrator has been informed about a problem with the network printer. What is the most reliable way to prevent print jobs from being added to the queue while the printer is being repaired?
– Stop the print spooler.

For a default installation of Windows XP Professional, which two settings are customizable? (Choose two.)
– regional settings
– network settings

Several messages sent to the network administrator are reporting that access to a secure server using HTTPS is failing. After checking recent updates to the company firewall, the administrator learns that the firewall is blocking HTTPS. Which port should be opened to solve the problem?
– 443

A computer has been relocated and all the cables reconnected. When the computer is powered on, the correct POST audio signals are heard and the hard drive LED shows disk activity. However, the monitor fails to display anything. What are two possible causes of this problem? (Choose two.)
– The monitor cable connector is loose or disconnected because the retaining screws are missing.
– The monitor is connected to the integrated video adapter on the motherboard instead of the expansion slot adapter.

Which Windows hard drive partition is referred to as the C: drive?
– the first primary partition

A technician is trying to explain USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 to a user in terms of speed. The user is having problems comparing the two standards based on the values expressed in Mbps. Which explanation can the technician use that will best describe the relationship?
– USB 2.0 is one hundred times as fast as USB 1.1.

Which feature is characteristic of the ntbackup command?
– It is used create restore points.

Which safety precaution should an installer take when installing cable in the ceiling of a building?
– Wear safety glasses in case of encountering toxic materials during the installation.

Engineers are designing a security scheme to allow only authorized persons to access the facilities of a national bank. Which security control measure provides the most secure solution for employee identification?
– biometric devices

Which Startup type must be selected for a service that should run each time the computer is booted?
– automatic

What are two problems that are caused by setting an incorrect boot order in the system BIOS? (Choose two.)
– The computer displays an “Invalid Boot Disk” error after POST.
– The computer displays an “Inaccessible Boot Device” error after POST

Refer to the exhibit. The IT department requested a new set of memory chips to upgrade the old laptops. A picture of the memory chip required is attached to the purchase order so the correct item can be bought.

Which type of memory module is the IT department expecting to receive?

Which recommendation should be observed when replacing existing memory?
– The new memory should be as fast or faster than existing memory.

Refer to the exhibit. Which utility has the IT department started on each computer?
– Defragment

A Windows Vista computer does not display the thumbnail views of two windows that are currently minimized in the taskbar when the mouse pointer is placed over the appropriate tile on the taskbar. What is a possible solution to this problem?
– Start the Vista Aero enhanced display features by launching services.msc.

The corporate security policy states that all remote connections use only secure tunnels for transport of data. Which encryption technique secures data traveling across the public Internet as if it were traveling across the corporate LAN?

When upgrading a CPU what must be applied between the new CPU and the heat sink/fan?
– thermal compound

Which three ports should be left open to avoid filtering e-mail traffic? (Choose three.)
– 25
– 110
– 143

A company has a preventive maintenance policy that requires every computer have a new restore point created every six months. How can a technician create the restore point?
– Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restore point.

Which two hazards are related to fiber optic installations? (Choose two.)
– light that can burn the eyes
– glass splinters that can penetrate the skin

A technician has been asked to connect a new scanner to a computer. Which interface provides the fastest transfer of data?
– SCSI (Ultra-320)

A technician has been asked to develop a physical topology for a network that provides a high level of redundancy. Which physical topology requires that every node is attached to every other node on the network?
– mesh

What is the highest risk associated with improperly charged or mishandled batteries?
– The battery can explode.

Refer to the exhibit. What type of partition arrangement does this Windows XP computer have on its hard drive?
– 3 logical, 1 extended, 1 free space, 1 primary

Which two characteristics describe a software firewall? (Choose two.)
– It typically protects only the computer it is installed on.
– It uses the CPU in the host computer.

What are two characteristics of the IEEE 1284 parallel interface standard? (Choose two.)
– These cables usually have 9 pins or 25 pins on both ends.
– The two available operative modes are EPP and ECP.

Which action should be taken first if a card key is lost or stolen?
– Disable the lost card key.

A technician has installed a third party utility that is used to manage a Windows XP computer. However, the utility is unable to startup automatically whenever the computer is started. What can the technician do to resolve this problem?
– Change the startup type for the utility to Automatic in Services.

The network manager decides to implement a simple security solution to the company WLANs. Which wireless security technique should the manager take to hide the WLAN id from any access point?
– Disable the broadcast of the SSID on the access point.

The production manager of a small company is experiencing slow performance in a laptop. What should a technician try first in order to correct the problem?
– Defragment the hard disk.

A technician is working on a laptop with a touchpad that fails to work. Which two actions can the technician take to try to repair the problem? (Choose two.)
– Clean the surface of the touchpad.
– Ensure that the operating system has the correct driver for the touchpad.

Refer to the exhibit. Based on the information shown, which statement is true?
– The only PC allowed on the wireless network is the one with the MAC address 00:05:4E:49:64:87.

Refer to the exhibit and consider the advertisement that is shown. Based on the advertisement, which statement is accurate regarding this motherboard?
– The Intel Core i7 processor supports a maximum bus speed of 1600MHz.

Which interface can transfer data at a maximum speed of 480 Mbps?
– USB 2.0

A call center technician receives a call from a customer who wishes to add more memory to a laptop to increase graphics performance. Which type of memory should be installed?

A network administrator has been informed about a problem with the network printer. What is the most reliable way to prevent print jobs from being added to the queue while the printer is being repaired?
– Stop the print spooler.
For a default installation of Windows XP Professional, which two settings are customizable? (Choose two.)
– regional settings
– network settings
Several messages sent to the network administrator are reporting that access to a secure server using HTTPS is failing. After checking recent updates to the company firewall, the administrator learns that the firewall is blocking HTTPS. Which port should be opened to solve the problem?
– 443
A computer has been relocated and all the cables reconnected. When the computer is powered on, the correct POST audio signals are heard and the hard drive LED shows disk activity. However, the monitor fails to display anything. What are two possible causes of this problem? (Choose two.)
– The monitor cable connector is loose or disconnected because the retaining screws are missing.
– The monitor is connected to the integrated video adapter on the motherboard instead of the expansion slot adapter.
Which Windows hard drive partition is referred to as the C: drive?
– the first primary partition
A technician is trying to explain USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 to a user in terms of speed. The user is having problems comparing the two standards based on the values expressed in Mbps. Which explanation can the technician use that will best describe the relationship?
– USB 2.0 is one hundred times as fast as USB 1.1.
Which feature is characteristic of the ntbackup command?
– It is used create restore points.
Which safety precaution should an installer take when installing cable in the ceiling of a building?
– Wear safety glasses in case of encountering toxic materials during the installation.
Engineers are designing a security scheme to allow only authorized persons to access the facilities of a national bank. Which security control measure provides the most secure solution for employee identification?
– biometric devices
Which Startup type must be selected for a service that should run each time the computer is booted?
– automatic
What are two problems that are caused by setting an incorrect boot order in the system BIOS? (Choose two.)
– The computer displays an “Invalid Boot Disk” error after POST.
– The computer displays an “Inaccessible Boot Device” error after POST
Refer to the exhibit. The IT department requested a new set of memory chips to upgrade the old laptops. A picture of the memory chip required is attached to the purchase order so the correct item can be bought.
Which type of memory module is the IT department expecting to receive?
Which recommendation should be observed when replacing existing memory?
– The new memory should be as fast or faster than existing memory.
Refer to the exhibit. Which utility has the IT department started on each computer?
– Defragment
A Windows Vista computer does not display the thumbnail views of two windows that are currently minimized in the taskbar when the mouse pointer is placed over the appropriate tile on the taskbar. What is a possible solution to this problem?
– Start the Vista Aero enhanced display features by launching services.msc.
The corporate security policy states that all remote connections use only secure tunnels for transport of data. Which encryption technique secures data traveling across the public Internet as if it were traveling across the corporate LAN?
When upgrading a CPU what must be applied between the new CPU and the heat sink/fan?
– thermal compound
Which three ports should be left open to avoid filtering e-mail traffic? (Choose three.)
– 25
– 110
– 143
A company has a preventive maintenance policy that requires every computer have a new restore point created every six months. How can a technician create the restore point?
– Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restore point.
Which two hazards are related to fiber optic installations? (Choose two.)
– light that can burn the eyes
– glass splinters that can penetrate the skin
A technician has been asked to connect a new scanner to a computer. Which interface provides the fastest transfer of data?
– SCSI (Ultra-320)
A technician has been asked to develop a physical topology for a network that provides a high level of redundancy. Which physical topology requires that every node is attached to every other node on the network?
– mesh
What is the highest risk associated with improperly charged or mishandled batteries?
– The battery can explode.
Refer to the exhibit. What type of partition arrangement does this Windows XP computer have on its hard drive?
– 3 logical, 1 extended, 1 free space, 1 primary
Which two characteristics describe a software firewall? (Choose two.)
– It typically protects only the computer it is installed on.
– It uses the CPU in the host computer.
What are two characteristics of the IEEE 1284 parallel interface standard? (Choose two.)
– These cables usually have 9 pins or 25 pins on both ends.
– The two available operative modes are EPP and ECP.
Which action should be taken first if a card key is lost or stolen?
– Disable the lost card key.
A technician has installed a third party utility that is used to manage a Windows XP computer. However, the utility is unable to startup automatically whenever the computer is started. What can the technician do to resolve this problem?
– Change the startup type for the utility to Automatic in Services.
The network manager decides to implement a simple security solution to the company WLANs. Which wireless security technique should the manager take to hide the WLAN id from any access point?
– Disable the broadcast of the SSID on the access point.
The production manager of a small company is experiencing slow performance in a laptop. What should a technician try first in order to correct the problem?
– Defragment the hard disk.
A technician is working on a laptop with a touchpad that fails to work. Which two actions can the technician take to try to repair the problem? (Choose two.)
– Clean the surface of the touchpad.
– Ensure that the operating system has the correct driver for the touchpad.
Refer to the exhibit. Based on the information shown, which statement is true?
– The only PC allowed on the wireless network is the one with the MAC address 00:05:4E:49:64:87.
Refer to the exhibit and consider the advertisement that is shown. Based on the advertisement, which statement is accurate regarding this motherboard?
– The Intel Core i7 processor supports a maximum bus speed of 1600MHz.
Which interface can transfer data at a maximum speed of 480 Mbps?
– USB 2.0
A call center technician receives a call from a customer who wishes to add more memory to a laptop to increase graphics performance. Which type of memory should be installed?

What is one advantage of a solid state drive?
– less prone to failure than a traditional drive
A customer has spilled some liquid into the laptop keyboard. The laptop appears to function properly except for the keys. After cleaning the keyboard, the technician tests the keyboard and it still has failing keys. What are two possible actions the technician could take? (Choose two.)
– Replace the keyboard.
– Use an external keyboard until the laptop keyboard is replaced
A user mentions that the Photoshop application has been recently installed on a laptop and that the laptop runs slowly when Photoshop is running. The computer technician checks on the laptop and notices that while the laptop responds normally when it is being used to surf the web, the hard disk light is constantly on when Photoshop is running. What is the most likely cause of the excessive hard disk activity?
– disk fragmentation
Which authentication technology uses a physical characteristic of the user in conjunction with a password?
– biometrics
A junior technician finds preventive maintenance very boring and would prefer to fix real problems. However, what is the most important reason for the company that the preventive maintenance be done?
– Preventive maintenance helps to protect the computer equipment against future problems.
A new technician has joined the IT team and is about to service a heavy printer. Which two precautions should be taken to avoid any injury when transporting the heavy printer to the service area? (Choose two.)
– Avoid lifting the equipment using the strength in your back
– Lift the equipment using the strength in your legs and knees
Which two-factor identification method requires a user to use a small radio transmitting device and then enter a password in order for the authentication to be accepted?
– smart key
The ABC Company sales force has been provided with smartphones and portable printers as shown in the graphic. Which two short-range technologies can support these types of devices? (Choose two.)
– Bluetooth
– Infrared
Which two wireless configuration features make it harder for a hacker to see and attach to a wireless network? (Choose two.)
– Disabling SSID broadcasts.
– Configuring MAC address filtering.
What is the issue if the status of a hard disk drive shows as “Unreadable” in the Disk Management utility?
– The drive has input/output errors, has a hardware failure, or is corrupt.
A technician needs to stop the print spooler on a Windows XP computer because the printer has failed. Which set of commands should the technician follow?
– Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >Computer Management. Choose Services.
After checking that a new ink jet printer has new ink cartridges, that dry paper has been installed as recommended by manufacturer, and that the latest printer driver has been installed, a technician notes that the printer still fails to produce any output. Which three actions could possibly resolve this problem? (Choose three.)
– Check and secure the cables.
– Set the printer to Resume Printing.
– Ensure that the printer is powered on.
A technician has installed new RAM in a laptop. When restarted the laptop emitted a long beep. What are two possible causes and solutions for this problem? (Choose two.)
– The laptop BIOS should be upgraded when installing the RAM.
– The new RAM is defective and must be replaced.
A technician has received several reports from employees about receiving e-mail from websites that request private bank information. Which type of security should be implemented to block employees from accessing these suspicious websites?
– phishing protection
A user is experiencing problems with a new removable external drive. What two checks should a technician perform to ensure that a removable external drive will be recognized by a computer? (Choose two.)
– Ensure that the correct drivers are installed.
– Check that the external ports are enabled in the BIOS settings.
A temporary user is trying to log in to a computer that the same user used last month, but now is unable to complete the login process. What are two possible causes of the failed login? (Choose two.)
The user does not have the rights to log in.
– The user account has been disabled.
– The user is using an incorrect username or password.
A network technician is installing network service in a new office. What is the distance limitation of a single data run for UTP cabling without adding networking devices?
– 330 ft (100 m)
What could be the possible solution to the Windows Vista search feature taking longer than expected to find results?
– Change the settings of the Index service in the Advanced Options panel.
What is the purpose of the setupmgr.exe file?
– It helps prepare an answer file to automate the installation of Windows XP.
A computer had updates installed and was rebooted. Nothing is displaying on the monitor that is connected to the computer. What could the technician do to reset the monitor settings?
– Use the F8 key.
A laptop less than six months old shuts down after about 30 minutes of operation. When the AC power adapter is connected, the laptop continues to shutdown after a short period of operation each time the laptop is restarted. What should be recommended as a solution?
– The laptop power scheme is set to an unsuitable environment. Have the customer adjust the power scheme through the control panel.
Which external connection technology would a technician choose for a customer who wants to connect a device capable of a data transfer rate of 700 Mb/s to a computer?
– IEEE 1394b (Firewire)
A Windows XP computer that once had three operating systems installed now has only one operating system. However, when the computer boots up, the user is still presented with a choice between the old systems and XP. Which path allows the user to make changes to the BOOT.INI file?
– Click Start. Right click My Computer. Choose Properties. Choose the Advanced tab. Click Settings in the Startup and Recovery area. Click Edit.
A technician has been performing routine preventive maintenance on a PC. After maintenance is performed and the PC and monitor are turned on, the monitor displays a black screen. The technician does a visual inspection and determines that there are two video ports at the back of the PC. What possible problem should the technician investigate first?
– The monitor was damaged during cleaning.
What is different about the default location for user files in Windows Vista compared to Windows XP?
– The default location for user files in Windows Vista is within a user-specific subfolder in the Users folder.
In a networking class, the instructor tells the students to ping the other computers from the command prompt. Why do all pings in the class fail?
-The Windows firewall is blocking the ping.
Refer to the exhibit. A customer purchased a computer three years ago and needs to add a second hard drive. The computer has the internal and external ports listed in the exhibit. Which solution would be the best if optimal performance is the deciding factor?
-Attach a hard drive to an internal SATA port.
Why does a technician wear an antistatic wrist strap?
-to prevent damage to electronic components inside the computer
A technician uses an application to capture packets on the network. One such capture reveals the password that is used by a person in the classroom to initiate a Telnet session with a school network device. What recommendation could the technician make to the person who is using Telnet?
-If possible, enable the network device to use SSH instead of Telnet.
Which Windows protocol enables a technician at company headquarters to view the screen and control the mouse and keyboard of a computer in a branch office?
-Remote Desktop Protocol
A technician is compiling a company computer support training manual. One of the utilities that is described in the manual is Sysprep. What is the purpose of this utility?
-It prepares a computer for imaging.
A user wants to upgrade the video adapter in a computer. What is the first issue the user should consider when selecting a newer video adapter?
-Is there an available compatible expansion slot on the motherboard?
A customer requires a computer storage system that uses no more than two drives to provide drive redundancy and the highest possible performance. Which type of RAID should the technician install?
-RAID level 0 – data striping
Which would be a reason to update the BIOS of a computer?
-A computer being prepared for an upgrade is found to lack support for newer hardware devices
Which statement best describes how telephone calls are carried over data networks and the Internet?
-Analog voice signals are converted into digital information that is transported in IP packets
Using RIS, a technician is having difficulties performing a remote installation. Which two problems would cause the remote installations to fail? (Choose two.)
-The unattend.txt file is corrupted
-The network shared folder that holds the OS files is not accessible.
A user on the network needs to be able to add and remove files in a shared folder on an NTFS-formatted server. Users should never be allowed to assume ownership of the shared folder. Which permission should the administrator assign to the user?
A technician is working on a networked computer that has an IP address of and no Internet access. What could the technician do to remedy the problem?
-Reload TCP/IP on the computer.

CISCO IT Essential v4.1 Final Exam 1-10

Where can a user change the idle time after which a laptop will switch to standby mode?
Left-click Start > Control Panel > Power Options, then click the Power Schemes tab.

What is the purpose of SCSI and RAID adapters?
to connect storage devices such as hard disk drives to a PC

A newly purchased scanner is not functioning as efficiently as expected. Which step should a technician take to improve performance?
Download drivers and utilities from the manufacturer web site.

A technician needs to configure the hard drive on a computer so that there appears to be one drive for the operating system and four drives for data from different applications. How can the hard drive be configured to provide this perception?
Create one primary partition and one logical partition with four logical drives within it.

ABC Company wants to configure laptops to automatically power components off to improve battery life. Which power management control can be used to accomplish this?

ABC Inc. decided to integrate redundancy by connecting multiple hard disks to duplicate the information they store. Which type of adapter will need to be installed on the servers to accomplish the desired redundancy?
RAID adapter

A technician has been asked to find how a hacker keeps breaking in to a computer. Which security precaution was most likely missed when the operating system was first installed?
A password was not assigned to the default administrator account.

When analyzing a protocol used on the network, it is discovered that multicast messages are being sent to network devices. Which class of IP addressing is being used to send these messages?

A technician has installed and configured an external projector on a laptop. What is the final task the technician must perform for the image to be displayed through the projector?
Press the function key sequence to activate the image on the projector.

A computer user buys a low priced replacement monitor but finds that there is a lot of flicker. The flicker makes the monitor unusable. Which characteristic of a monitor needs to be considered to ensure flicker-free viewing?
refresh rate

What do the terms refresh rate, interlace, and aspect ratio explain?
image properties of a monitor

Why do mobile devices such as laptop computers use specially designed CPUs?
They consume less power.

A technician needs to purchase a new video adapter for a computer. Which factors should be considered when selecting the adapter?
expansion slot type

A company is expanding its business to other countries. All branch offices must remain connected to corporate headquarters at all times. Which network technology is required to support this requirement?

A technician is asked to configure the time the system must be idle before the hard disk spins down on all the Windows-based laptops in the company. The technician configured the power options in Windows but it appears to have no effect. Where should the technician look to enable power management?
System Registry
While troubleshooting a computer on which the operating system fails to boot, a technician has checked that there are no non-bootable media in the disk drives, tried using the Last Known Good Configuration option, and attempted to boot the computer in Safe Mode, all without success. Which further possible solution could be tried?
Perform a Repair Installation of the operating system.

What is the logical topology used for the Ethernet architecture?

When installing the Windows XP operating system, a technician is given a choice of file systems to use. If security is a requirement, which file system should be chosen?

Which three benefits are gained by networking computers? (Choose three.)
fewer peripherals needed
decreased computer-to-user ratio
increased communication capabilities

When calculating the total cost of ownership of a printer it is necessary to consider the cost of the consumables. Which two consumables are associated with an inkjet printer? (Choose two.)
ink cartridge

Which type of attack involves the misdirection of a user from a legitimate web site to a fake web site?
DNS poisoning

A supervisor received a complaint that one of the technicians was rude and disrespectful. Which action by the technician most likely caused the customer to complain?
The technician interrupted a number of times to ask questions.

Fans that are used to help cool a system are commonly placed on which two components? (Choose two.)
video card

Which storage device that is installed in a PC is least subject to mechanical failure?
magnetic hard drive

On which two occasions is it most likely that a technician will have to perform a clean operating system installation if a backup has not been performed? (Choose two.)
The existing operating system is corrupted.
A new replacement hard drive is installed in a computer.


Refer to the exhibit. A Cisco Networking Academy instructor is trying to print a flash graphic from the curriculum. The print job has gone into the print queue as shown. Based on the output, what should be the next step in solving this problem?
Check the printer for status messages.

Which firewall port number or number combination must be open in order to remotely access a network device using SSH?

What is the purpose of wearing an antistatic wrist strap?
to equalize the electrical charge between the user and the equipment

A network administrator has finished migrating from a peer-to-peer network to a new client-server network configuration. What are two advantages of the new configuration? (Choose two.)
Data is more secure in the event of hardware failures.
Data resources and access are centrally controlled.

A call center technician answers a call from a frequent customer who is known to be impatient and lacks experience with computers. The customer has an issue with an application that the call center supports. The customer informs the technician that the problem had been reported before but the original technician was rude, did not listen, and did not fix the problem. If the technician is confident that the problem can be resolved by increasing the amount of memory in the computer, what should the technician do?
Confirm the issues and give detailed instructions to solve the problem.

When installing a service pack or security patches on an operating system, what should be done to protect the system in the event of a faulty or aborted installation?
Create a restore point.


Refer to the exhibit. What command was typed to produce the output that is shown?
ipconfig /all

What characterizes spoofing?
Making data appear to come from a source other than the actual source.

A technician is troubleshooting a user complaint that a printer is not printing a report. Which step is one of the first that the technician should take?
Ensure that there is paper in the paper tray.

Which three rules increase the level of password strength? (Choose three.)
Passwords should be a combination of letters and numbers.
Passwords should combine a user's special dates and initials so they can be alphanumeric.
Passwords should be short to reduce the chances of users forgetting them.


Refer to the exhibit. Which type of device uses the connector shown in the graphic?
DVD drive

Which type of cable standard uses a 9-pin connector and supports data rates in excess of 800 Mbps?
IEEE 1394b

Which two items are considered proper cleaning tools? (Choose two.)
compressed air
soft cloth

Which Windows tool should be run before upgrading the operating system?

An employee is receiving e-mail from unknown banks asking for username and password information. Which type of security attack is the employee experiencing?

A company uses a single computer to receive and test all Windows updates. When the most recent update was installed, several programs failed. What is the first course of action that a technician should attempt to remove the update?
Run a System Restore from the last restore point.

Which network protocol is used to automatically assign an IP address to a computer on a network?

A technician notices that an application is not responding to commands and that the computer seems to respond slowly when applications are opened. What is the best administrative tool to use correct this problem?
Task Manager

A network technician receives an error that there is insufficient physical disk space on an external drive to hold a file from a Windows XP computer. What is a possible cause for the problem?
The external drive is formatted with a FAT 32 file system and the file is too large for that file system.

A home computer owner has a PC system that runs Windows XP. For security reasons the owner has been using a limited local user account for a number of years. The owner wishes to install a new piece of software, but the user account does not have the necessary permissions. Which type of account does the owner need to use to install the new software?

46 Where in Windows XP can the shutdown, hibernate, and standby modes be configured?  
Start > Control Panel > Power Options  

47 A printer has a paper jam. An impatient user has sent multiple print jobs of the same document to this printer. What can be done to remove these print jobs?  
Cancel the jobs in the printer queue.  

48 Which environmental factor helps ensure optimal performance for laptops?  
Temperature should be preferentially between 45 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 32 degrees Celsius) to avoid overheating.  

49 After Windows XP has been installed, which program would a technician use to select the programs that will run at startup?  

50 A technician is having trouble with laptops that keep overheating. What preventive maintenance procedure can be performed on the laptops to reduce this problem?  
Clean the air vents.  

51 What is the purpose of Windows Vista 64-bit Kernel Patch Protection?  
It prevents third party drivers from modifying the operating system kernel.  

52 What are two network requirements necessary to establish a VPN connection between a remote computer and a private company LAN? (Choose two.) 
Internet access  
VPN client

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